The Arthur Birch lecture

Professor Arthur John Birch
Professor Arthur John Birch

The Award was established in 1981 in honour of Arthur J. Birch, MSc (Sydney & Manchester), DPhil (Oxon), FRIC, FRACI, FAA, FRS, to pay tribute to his extensive contributions to the Research School of Chemistry from its founding in 1967. The Birch (and Craig) Lectures are highlights in the School's calendar year.

The aim of the visit of the Birch Lecturer is to enable eminent chemists to deliver a series of lectures on their research and to interact with School students and staff.

Birch Lecturers are chemists who are at the peak of their international career. The accompanying list of former lecturers is testament to the superb quality of honoraries who have visited the Research School, fifteen of whom are Nobel Laureates.

The program for the Birch Lecturer will normally include the Birch Lecture (suitable for a general chemistry audience), one or two more specialised research seminars, the Birch Dinner, and occasionally an Academy Lecture (suitable for a wider audience that may include government decision makers). The award is allocated on an annual basis and the Birch Lecturer will spend about one week in the School.

YearProfessorHome institutionSubject
2025Professor Roberta SessoliUniversity of FlorenceSpins in Molecules: A Versatile Platform for Quantum Technologies

Professor Frances Arnold

2018 Nobel Laureate

California Institute of TechnologyInnovation by Evolution: Bringing New Chemistry to Life
2018Professor Krzysztof MatyjaszewskiCarnegie Mellon UniversityMacromolecular Engineering by Taming Free Radicals
2017Professor Sir Christopher DobsonUniversity of CambridgeThe Amyloid State of Proteins and its Significance in Biology and Medicine

Professor Arieh Warshel

2013 Nobel Laureate

University of Southern CaliforniaModeling the action of complex biological systems on a molecular level
2015Professor Samir ZardEcole PolytechniqueFun with Radicals. A Matter of Lifetime
2014Professor Dame Carol RobinsonUniversity of OxfordMembranes, Micelles and Motors – Maintaining the Momentum

Professor Sir Fraser Stoddart

2016 Nobel Laureate

Northwestern UniversityNew Twists and Turns in Radical Organic Chemistry

Professor Dan Shechtman

2011 Nobel Laureate

Technion, HaifaThe Discovery of Quasi-periodic Materials. A Paradigm Change in Crystallography
2011Professor Barry TrostStanford UniversityOn the Invention of Pd Catalyzed Reactions for Enabling Chemical Synthesis
2010Professor Steven LeyUniversity of CambridgeNew Tools for Molecule Makers
2009Professor Daniel G. NoceraHenry Dreyfus Professor of Energy, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyPowering the planet: the challenge for science in the 21st century

Professor Thomas A. Steitz

2009 Nobel Laureate

Yale University, Bass Center for Molecular and Structural BiologyThe structural basis of the function of the ribosome and its large subunit, a major antibiotic target

Professor Richard R. Schrock

2005 Nobel Laureate

Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyThe Discovery and Development of Alkene and Alkyne Metathesis Reactions
2006Professor Michael GraetzelEcole Polytechnique de Lausanne, SwitzerlandLight and energy, mimicking natural photosynthesis

Professor Roger Tsien

2008 Nobel Laureate

University of California, San DiegoBuilding and breeding molecules to spy on cells and tumors
2004Professor Robert H Grubbs
2005 Nobel Laureate
Victor & Elizabeth Atkins Professor of Chemistry, CaltechRuthenium-based catalysts for olefin metathesis
2003Professor Sir Harry Kroto
1999 Nobel Laureate
University of Sussex2010, a nanospace odyssey
2002Professor Peter G SchultzScripps Research Institute, La JollaExpanding the genetic code
2000Professor David A EvansHarvard UniversityAsymmetric catalysis with chiral metal complexes
1999Professor Hubert SchmidbaurTechnische Universität MünchenGold chemistry: from alchemy to relativity and back
1998Professor Arthur Kornberg
1959 Nobel Laureate
Stanford University School of MedicineScience and medicine at the millennium
1997Professor Peter DayThe Royal Institution of Great BritainWhat is a material?
1996Professor Jean-Marie Lehn
1987 Nobel Laureate
Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg and College de France, ParisSupramolecular chemistry: concepts and perspectives
1995Professor Robert G BergmanUniversity of California, BerkeleyActivation of hydrocarbons with transition metal compounds
1994Professor John S RowlinsonOxford University, UKEntropy and Information
1993Professor Alex PinesUniversity of California and Lawrence Berkeley LaboratorySome magnetic moments
1992Professor Sir John M Thomas FRSFormerly Director, Royal Institution London, Deputy Pro Chancellor, University of WalesNew catalysts for a clean environment
1991Professor Jeremy KnowlesHarvard UniversityEnzyme catalysists: not different, just better
1990Professor Ryoji Noyori
2001 Nobel Laureate
Nagoya UniversityAsymmetric catalysis: science and opportunities
1989Professor J D DunitzEidgenössische Technische Hochschule, ZürichChemical reaction paths from crystal structure data
1988No lecture  
1987Professor Gilbert StorkColumbia University, New YorkRadical cyclisation in natural product synthesis
1986Professor Roald Hoffmann
1981 Nobel Laureate
 Building bridges between organic and inorganic chemistry
1985Professor Rudolph A Marcus
1992 Nobel Laureate
California Institute of TechnologyElectron transfer reactions: theory and experiment
1984Professor Elias J Corey
1990 Nobel Laureate
Harvard UniversityTotal synthesis of biologically active molecules
1983Professor Henry Taube
1983 Nobel Laureate
Stanford UniversityBack bonding as it affects reactivity
1982Professor J A Pople
1998 Nobel Laureate
Carnegie-Mellon UniversityObital theory, structure and reactivity
1981Professor A EschenmoserEidgenössische technische hochschule, ZürichOrganic synthesis and the origin of natural products