A new Australian enviro-tech start-up backed by The Australian National University (ANU) will "infinitely" recycle plastic to help solve the global plastic pollution crisis.
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A media release introducing Samsara, the new Australian enviro-tech start-up backed by ANU will to help solve the global plastic pollution crisis.
" A new Australian enviro-tech start-up backed by The Australian National University (ANU) will "infinitely" recycle plastic to help solve the global plastic pollution crisis. Samsara, which is supported by Woolworths Group, venture fund Main Sequence and ANU, uses new technology to break down plastic to its core elements to create new plastic.
The tech, which uses "plastic-eating" enzymes, has been developed by researchers at ANU and could one day end plastic pollution. Samsara's novel recycling process is carbon-neutral and environmentally friendly, as well as removing the need to rely on fossil fuels to create plastics.
Australians generate more than 2.5 million tonnes of plastic waste each year. But, only nine percent of this waste makes its way to recycling, with 84 percent ending up in landfill. Samsara will initially focus on PET plastic and polyester. These materials are commonly used to create plastic bottles and in fast fashion and account for one-fifth of plastic created annually. Ultimately, the company aims to achieve a world first and advance their process so that every kind of plastic can one day be recycled over and over again."
To find out more visit the Samsara website.
Research School of Chemistry
Building 137
Sullivans Creek Road
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 2601