Compounds ANU
Compounds ANU (CANU) aims to directly link the leading synthetic chemistry capabilities within the RSC to ANU medical and biological research programs primarily conducted within the RSB and JCSMR.
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Compounds ANU (CANU) aims to directly link the leading synthetic chemistry capabilities within the RSC to ANU medical and biological research programs primarily conducted within the RSB and JCSMR.
Compounds ANU will leverage the structural diversity already accessible at the RSC to drive the discovery of novel therapeutic leads. Compounds submitted to CANU will be curated by Compounds Australia based at Griffith University and will be made available to medical and biological researchers who use the ANU Centre for Biomolecular Screening to identify hit molecules against emerging therapeutic targets. ‘Hits’ uncovered through screening will forge new opportunities for collaborative research aimed at fast-tracking further development of promising compound classes. In addition, compounds submitted to CANU will form part of the Compounds Australia open collection which can be accessed by medical and biological researchers around Australia.
Key points of CANU include:
- Submission of compounds (see Specifications) is simple and requires only small quantities of sample. Only 5 nmol of compound (e.g. 1.5 mg of a compound of 300 Da molecular weight) is required. Submission is by bar-coded sample vial and completion of a simple form.
- The collation and postage of CANU samples to Compounds Australia will be handled for you and will occur twice a year.
- Up to 1500 individual compounds can be submitted free of charge by each research group each year to CANU. Additional compounds (> 1500) can be added at modest cost.
- There are no criteria associated with compound properties. Any well characterised, relatively stable and pure (> 95%) compound can be submitted to CANU. Ideally submissions will target 3-5 representative members for each compound class or series.
- There is no requirement to re-supply compounds to CANU once exhausted.
- Compound identity can be kept confidential if desired. A SMILES code that can be easily generated in ChemDraw is required on submission, and this is used to compute a series of compound properties such as logP, MW, hydrogen bond donors, hydrogen bond acceptors, polar surface area etc. The SMILES code and structure can be suppressed on submission if desired.
- Compounds Australia will curate the CANU materials and provide medical and biological researchers with samples for screening and compound properties (with or without SMILES or structures as specified).
- Intellectual property remains with the chemist for confidential compounds. Where ‘hits’ are identified by medical or biological researchers, direct negotiations will follow between the chemist and those researchers.
Don’t let your compounds sit idle after a synthesis project is completed. As a synthetic chemist, the future of medical and biological research is in your hands. With CANU, you can drive medical and biological research at ANU!
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For further details please contact:
Academic lead:
Dr Lara Malins
Research School of Chemistry
Australian National University
Building 137, Linnaeus Way
Acton, ACT 2601
T: 612 59106
E: lara.malins@anu.edu.au
Compound screening:
Dr Amee George
John Curtin School of Medical Research
Australian National University
Building 131, Garran Road
Acton, ACT 2601
T: 6125 54326
E: actd.brf@anu.edu.au