David Craig visiting professorship
The Craig Professor will be a researcher who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and who may not previously have had the opportunity to spend time in the School.

Professor David Craig
The David Craig Visiting Professorship honours a Founding Father of the School, Professor David P Craig, MSc, PhD, FRIC, FRACI, FAA, FRS, by inviting a high-profile internationally recognised chemist whose research activities are of interest to the School, and to provide a mentoring and teaching platform to various research groups.
The Craig Professor will be a researcher who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and who may not previously have had the opportunity to spend time in the School.
Year | Professor | Home institution | Subject |
2024 | Professor David Mills | Manchester University | Towards Linear Lanthanide Single-Molecule Magnets |
2022 | Associate Professor Sagar Khare | Rutgers University | Computational Design of Tailor-made Enzymes |
2019 | Professor Mark Lautens | University of Toronto | No Strain, No Gain? Lessons in Catalysis |
2017 | Professor Peter Schreiner | Justus-Liebig University | Nanodiamondoids as the next generation carbon materials |
2016 | Professor Denis Jacquemin | Université de Nantes | Using theoretical tools to model, predict and understand optical spectra |
2015 | Professor Chris Vanderwal | University of California | Quick Access to Complexity. The Importance of Strategy for the Efficient Synthesis of Complex Natural and Unnatural Products |
2014 | Professor Todd Marder | Universitat Wurzburg, Germany | Boron in Novel Materials and Catalysis |
2013 | Professor Christopher Lowe | University of Cambridge, UK | mHEALTHCARE: Opportunities, Challenges and Prospects |
2012 | Professor Li Changming | Nanyang Technological University, Singapore | Surface functionalization, the chemistry arts at nanoscales |
2011 | Professor Thomas B. Rauchfuss | University of Illinois at Urbana Champagne | Understanding how nature works with H2: the hydrogenase mechanisms |
2010 | Professor Malcolm H. Levitt | University of Southhampton | Singlet Nuclear Magnetic Resonance |
2009 | Professor Joel Bernstein | Ben-Gurion University, Negev, Israel | Chemistry in the courtroom |
2008 | Professor Colin Bain | Durham University, UK | Light: the world's most unlikely construction material |
2007 | Professor Steven Boxer | Stanford University, CA, USA | Imaging and reaction dynamics in model membranes: soft nanoscience |
2006 | Professor Ken Jordan | University of Pittsburg, PA, USA | Excess electrons and protons in water: a cluster perspective |
2005 | Professor Alfred W (Bill) Rutherford | Research Director CNRS and Head of Section, Bioenergetics CEA, France | Photosystem II structure-function: the EPR years |
2004 | Professor Peter Stang | The University of Utah, Department of Chemistry | Nanoscale molecular architecture: design and self-assembly of metallocyclic polygons & polyhedra via co-ordination". |
2003 | Professor Victor Snieckus | Queens University, Department of Chemistry | The centrality of chemistry in modern scientific pursuits" |
2002 | Dr Chris Abell | University Chemical Laboratory, Cambridge | Enzymology |
2001 | Professor Dame Julia Higgins FRS | Imperial College, London | Polymer blends - mixing, demixing and compatibilisation |
2000 | Professor Peter Maitlis FRS | The University of Sheffield, UK | The revolution in English Universities, 1980-2000: out with the old; long live the new |
1999 | Professor Henry Schaefer III | Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry, University of Georgia, USA | Molecular anions: a wealth of important, uncharacterized systems |
1998 | Professor Christopher J Moody | University of Exeter, UK | Organic chemistry: the practice of wealth creation |
1997 | Professor Walter Steurer | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich | Quasicrystals 1984-1996. Where are we now? |
1996 | Professor David Buckingham FRS | University of Cambridge, UK | The hydrogen bond |