International Conference of Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems Founders Medal - Dr Nick Cox

Publication date
Tuesday, 17 Nov 2020

Congratulations to Dr Nick Cox on being awarded the International Conference of Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems Founders Medal for 2020. Dr. Cox is recognized for his achievement in developing and applying high-field EPR techniques to elucidate water splitting in oxidative photosynthesis and to the study of metal cofactors in metalloenzymes

In 2002, the ICMRBS Council established the Founders’ Medal to recognize exceptional contributions by young scientists to the development and/or progress of the field of magnetic resonance in biological systems.

Nominations are invited for this prestigious medal to be presented at the forthcoming XXIXth ICMRBS meeting, which will be held in Boston, MA, USA, August 23-28, 2020. The award winner will receive the Founders’ Medal and $3,000 USD, and she/he will be invited to present a lecture at the above mentioned conference.