Prof. Michelle Coote - RACI 2021 Leighton Memorial Medal recipient

Wonderful news for Prof. Michelle Coote - she has been awarded the Royal Australian Chemical Institute's 2021 Leighton Memorial Medal. Congratulations from all of us at RSC.
The medal is awarded in recognition of eminent services to chemistry in Australia in the broadest sense, and is the RACI's most prestigious medal. Michelle is truly deserving of this – through her research work, her ARC Georgina Sweet Laureate Fellowship, her contributions to RACI and advancing the status of women in STEM, her mentorship of students and colleagues, and her editorship of JACS. We are delighted that she has been recognised this way. Here’s some information about the award.
The RACI annual awards ceremony has been postponed until the RACI convention next year so Michelle will not actually receive her medal until then.
Congratulations and all our best wishes, Michelle.