Amber N. Hancock, Sara H. Kyne, Heather M. Aitken, Carl H. Schiesser, 2016, Intramolecular homolytic substitution in selenoxides and selenones, Tetrahedron, 72, 48, 7790-7795
Aitken, H. M; Horvat, S. M; Schiesser, C. H; Lin, C. Y; Coote, M. L., 2013, Rate Coeficients for Intramolecular Homolytic Substitution of Oxyacyl Radicals at Sulfur, Aust J Chem, 66, 323-329.
Aitken H. M; Hancock A. N; Schiesser C. H, 2012, Understanding (the lack of) Homolytic Substitution Chemistry of Sulfones, Chem Comm, 48, 8326-8328.
Macdougall P. E; Aitken H. M; Scammells P. J; Kavanagh Y; Kyne S. H; Schiesser C. H, 2012, 7-Selenabicyclo[2.2.1] Heptane, Chem Comm, 48, 9126-9128.
Kyne S. H; Aitken H. M; Horvat S. M; Lin C. Y; Coote M. L; Schiesser C. H, 2012, Homolytic Substitution Chemistry: From James Franz to Antihypertensives, Prep Pap Am Chem Soc, Div Fuel Chem, 57, 927-928.
Neves A. C; Aitken H. M; Kyne S. H; Fensterbank L; Lacôte E; Malacria M; Ollivier C; Schiesser C. H, 2012, Intramolecular Homolytic Substitution of Seleninates – a computational study, Tetrahedron, 68, 323-328.
Aitken, H. M; Horvat, S. M; Schiesser, C. H; Lin, C. Y; Coote, M. L, 2012, Rate Coefficients for Intramolecular Homolytic Substitution of Oxyacyl Radicals at Selenium, Int J Chem Kinetics, 44, 51-58.
Kyne, S,H; Aitken H. M; Fensterbank L; Lacôte E; Malacria M; Ollivier C; Schiesser, C.H, 2011, Intramolecular Homolytic Substitution of Sulfinates and Sulfinamides – a computational study, Org Biomol Chem, 9, 331.
Aitken, H. M; Schiesser, C. H; Donner, C. S, 2011, Synthetic and Computational Studies of Acyl Radical Cyclizations with Alkoxyacrylates: Formal Synthesis of (±)-Longianone, Aust J Chem, 64, 409-415.