Nano particles

Tricoli Group

The Tricoli group research focuses on several fields of nanotechnology spacing.

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The Tricoli group research focuses on several fields of nanotechnology spacing from renewable energy production to non-invasive medical diagnostic.

Nanotechnology is a rapidly emerging multi-disciplinary research area based on the manipulation of light and matter at the nano-scale. This has the potential to enable a more efficient utilization of our limited natural resources as well as providing new solutions for long-standing technological challenges.

Researchers at the NRL focus on the synthesis of tailored nanomaterials with non-continuum properties and their integration in devices with applications extending from non-invasive medical diagnostics to renewable energy production and storage.

Please find a more detailed description on Antonio's personal and group website .



Honorary Professor


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Postdoctoral Fellow

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Postdoctoral Fellow

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Postdoctoral Fellow

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Postdoctoral Fellow

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Research Fellow


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PhD Candidate

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PhD Candidate