Could a PhD in piezoelectric materials help spark your career?
The Australian National University is partnering with industry to help lead a new era in advanced materials science and provide opportunities for research students.
Whilst specialised ceramics called piezoelectric materials have been around for a while, researchers are now on the cusp of a new generation of piezoelctrics that have far reaching applications.
These materials can produce an electric charge when you squeeze them, and are currently used in many applications, including initiating the spark in a zippo lighter, and producing sound waves used in mobile speakers and ultrasound.
Next generation piezoelectrics are expected to develop significant capability gains in sonar and undersea surveillance.
This is why DMTC – formerly known as the Defence Materials Technology Centre, and the Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG), are partnering with researchers like Professor Yun Liu from the ANU Research School of Chemistry to deliver the ambitious Advanced Piezoelectric Materials and Applications Program.
The main objective of this program is to accelerate the development of next-generation piezoelectric materials in Australia by establishing sovereign capability in single crystal growth of piezoelectrics and characterising microstructural-property interaction to improve their electro-mechanical response.
A key part of this program involves training students and researchers to build a pipeline of piezoelectric expertise in Australia, and as such, DMTC and ANU are offering a unique PhD scholarship opportunity:
This scholarship will provide a student with the opportunity to work with Professor Yun Liu, who is a leader in advanced materials science. Students will also have opportunities to interact with other Defence-funded PhD students, and industry partners.
For further information, please visit the DMTC website, or contact Professor Yun Liu: yun.liu@anu.edu.au.