Dr Teng Lu
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Teng obtained his bachelor (Hons) degree and PhD from the Research School of Chemistry (RSC) at the Australian National University (2013-2018). He subsequently worked at the ANU as a research fellow, concentrating on innovative multifunctional materials. His primary focus is on polar functional materials designed for energy storage, conversion, and harvesting, and their structural origins. In 2023, he received the Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (ARC DECRA) and continues to work at the RSC.
- ARC DECRA, 2024
- ANBUG Young Scientist Award, Australian Neutron Beam Users Group, 2022
- AINSE Early Career Researcher Grant, AINSE, 2021
- AONSA Young Research Fellowship, The Asia-Oceania Neutron Scattering Association, 2020
- The Director's Prize for the Best PhD Thesis, ANU, 2018
Research interests
Smart/intelligent materials are materials that respond to or are controlled by external stimuli such as temperature, light, and electric or magnetic fields. They are capable of sensing, processing, actuating, and providing feedback in reaction to environmental changes. Our research is primarily concerned with the interactions between incident light, electrical polarisation, electrons and mechanical strain from structural and chemical perspectives. The group has a very close collaboration with Prof. Yun Liu. We adopt cutting-edge techniques and develop new methods to explore the responses of smart materials to external stimuli and to understand their structural origins across various length (nm to mm) and time (ps to min) scales. Then we develop new material design strategies, including defect chemical engineering, nanofabrication, and self-assembly, to realise new functionalities.
Building 137, room 2.52