A/ Prof. Nicholas White

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Nick was born in the UK, but grew up in New Zealand. He completed his BSc(Hons) at the University of Otago (in Dunedin, New Zealand), working with Prof. Sally Brooker on the study of transition metal complexes of triazole-based ligands. He then moved to the University of Oxford to conduct research with Prof. Paul Beer, looking at the synthesis of catenanes and rotaxanes containing hydrogen- and halogen-bond donors for anion recognition. In 2013, Nick moved to the University of British Columbia (in beautiful Vancouver, Canada) as a Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellow, investigating the self-assembly of supramolecular materials in Prof. Mark MacLachlan’s group.
Nick was then appointed as a Lecturer at ANU, and took up his position in October 2015. He is currently an Associate Professor and an ARC Future Fellow (2022-2025). His group researches supramolecular chemistry and is particularly interested in anions, hydrogen bonding, halogen bonding and self-assembly. Nick teaches coordination chemistry at first-year undergraduate level and porous materials at third-year.
Away from chemistry, Nick is a keen trail runner, occasional cyclist and fanatical boulderer.
- Synthesis, Member
- White Group, Leader
- , Researcher
Research interests
Our group is interested in supramolecular chemistry, and particularly self-assembly.
A more detailed description is given on our group website.
A list of the group's publications is available on the group's website.