Prof. Michael Sherburn

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Michael Sherburn received both his BSc and PhD degrees from The University of Nottingham. He held positions at Massey University and The University of Sydney before being appointed Fellow at the Research School of Chemistry in December 2002. He has been awarded the Le Févre Memorial Prize (2006), an Erskine Fellowship (2008) and the A.J. Birch Medal of the RACI (2008). He was promoted to Professor at the Research School of Chemistry in 2011.
- Synthesis, Member
- Sherburn Group, Leader
- , Researcher
Research interests
Domino reactions are spectacular events in which many bonds are made and broken in a single step. The reactions hold much promise for achieving more efficient syntheses - a pressing need in times of increasing production costs and the importance of protecting the environment by reducing waste. Our research program involves the design and implementation of sequences of cycloaddition reactions, free radical reactions and transition metal-mediated reactions to prepare polycyclic molecules with important biological properties. The program also targets new ways to achieve molecular recognition, complexation and catalysis. Overall, the primary goal is to synthesise such complex molecules in a practical manner.
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