Organic molecule

Sherburn Group

Our research program involves the design of sequences of cycloaddition reactions, free radical reactions and transition metal-mediated reactions


Domino reactions are spectacular events in which many bonds are made and broken in a single step. The reactions hold much promise for achieving more efficient syntheses - a pressing need in times of increasing production costs and the importance of protecting the environment by reducing waste.

Our research program involves the design and implementation of sequences of cycloaddition reactions, free radical reactions and transition metal-mediated reactions to prepare polycyclic molecules with important biological properties.

The program also targets new ways to achieve molecular recognition, complexation and catalysis. The primary goals of our research program are to further the science of synthesis and improve the way that organic compounds are made.


Personal Group Web Page


Our approach to more efficient synthesis uses domino reactions, which are spectacular events that assemble organic compounds quickly by forming many new covalent bonds in a single synthetic operation.

Student intake

Open for Honours, Master, PhD, Summer scholar students



Structurally complex organic natural products are the basis of most of our medicines, and people trained in their
preparation are employed in discovery and process chemistry research units of pharmaceutical companies.


Organic chemistry

Student intake

Open for Honours, Master, PhD, Summer scholar students



Molecules that, in structural terms, go beyond the boundaries of what is currently known both improve our
understanding of fundamental science, and have the potential for exciting and important downstream applications.


Organic chemistry

Student intake

Open for Honours, Master, PhD, Summer scholar students





Associate Director (Education)


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PhD Candidate

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PhD Candidate

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PhD Candidate

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PhD Candidate

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Postdoctoral Fellow

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PhD Candidate

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PhD Candidate

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PhD Candidate

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PhD Candidate

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PhD Candidate

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PhD Candidate

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PhD Candidate

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PhD Candidate