WHS noticeboard

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  • Emergencies

Dial 000in presence of a life-threatening emergency.

Dial 0000 if dialling from an ANU internal phone.

Then dial 612 52249 to ANU Security.

Reporting of incidents

All incidents and hazards should be reported through the ANU Reporting System Figtree.


The Research School of Chemistry is committed to ensure the safety of its staff, students and visitors.

For their own sakes, and in their own interests, all staff and students are required to observe the ANU Procedures and Policies and RSC safety Regulations. The ANU principles of this commitment are defined in the ANU Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy.

Incidents, near-misses, and hazards

All incidents, near-misses and hazards must be reported (a) to your direct supervisor, and (b) to ANU's incident reporting system Figtree.

Certain incidents have to be reported to Comcare. Find out which ones using the Comcare flowchart below.

In those cases it is critical to preserve the incident site until Comcare has provided clearance.

People who do not have access to Figtree should contact their local contacts/hosts/supervisors and email this form to whsincidents@anu.edu.au and rsc.safety-officer@anu.edu.au.

ANU policies and procedures

Safety alerts and news

Please read the latest RSC and ANU safety alerts.


RSC Policies and Procedures





RSC WHS Committee

The RSC WHS Committee (formerly Advisory Committee on Safety; ACS) is composed of the RSC Director, RSC School Manager, RSC WHS Manager, and a number of staff and student representatives from a variety of work areas across the RSC (e.g. academia, chemical research, biochemical research, workshops, students, postdocs, teaching). A minimum of 4 meetings are held each year, and everyone at the RSC is encouraged to raise safety related issues with the Committee.


Chemwatch and Chemical Inventory

The Chemical Management System (CMS) has been implemented at the ANU in 2016 and includes a database for Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and an inventory of chemicals stored at the RSC and ANU. Link to CMS log-in: http://jr.chemwatch.net. Please use your u-number and HORUS/ISIS password to log in.

The RSC CMS team have developed this user guide document with tailored instructions and tips. 

Info sessions on RSC's chemical purchasing process, CMS data cleaning, SDS requirements and a few other topics were held in 2019, with more drop-in sessions for questions scheduled for 2020. Updated slide deck can be found here: Power Point (live document), or PDF (static).

If you would like to request the translation of a SDS from overseas to Australian requirements, fill out this SDS Translation Template and send it to CMS.RSC@anu.edu.au.

If you would like to request the generation of containers within ChemWatch in bulk, use the spreadsheet below and send it to CMS.RSC@anu.edu.au.

List of time sensitive chermicals and chemicals that require licences. Whenever checking your chemicals/inventory or placing orders, consider the shelf life.

Useful information and guidance material around the CMS (e.g. deleting/adding containers, stocktake, manuals) provided by ANU. RSC specific inquiries and requests regarding the CMS should be emailed to CMS.RSC@anu.edu.au 

The CMS replaced the former Chemical Inventory System (CIS), which was phased out in 2017.

Legislation and Standards